Both GOP and Dems Want Desperately to Stop Ron Paul

Ron Paul makes the rest of the presidential field look bad. All they have on him is empty name recognition… An educated voter WILL vote for Paul unless he is completely brainwashed by his respective party or has an IQ in the single digits (which is basically the same thing).

Paul’s campaign is almost completely grassroots, outside of the debates and few cable TV spots, it’s all viral which spreads more rapidly on the internet. But as we’ve seen from some GOP straw-polls it’s slowly penetrating off-line too. That momentum will only increase. He had zero name-recognition a few months ago, and still has very little compared to Rudy McRompson.

Other than the total loons who want to fight the Crusades again, Paul is appealing to Christian voters. And he damn well should be because of the candidates in the field, Paul has shown unparalleled integrity in public and private life during his 10 terms in Congress and his medical practice.

Paul speaks embarrassing truths and throws a monkey-wrench into the script… just as he did in the GOP debates… But he does this across the board. When he’s given the chance to speak he blows away political lies.

Dr. Paul cannot be bought, not by partisan shills, corrupt and lazy bureaucrats, special interests or corporate welfare recipients…

They will insult him and call him a racist, a loon, a moonbat, a 9-11 truther, a kook, an isolationist, a crank, and whatever other nonsense they can think up. But a few moments of hearing him speak, a quick read of his writings immediately prove these smears for what they are…

Don’t be fooled.

If he gets onto the mainstream media stage of America he WILL embarrass both the GOP and Dems. And if he is voted into office he WILL cut-off the corrupt SOBs who fund the mainstream of both of the parties.

He WILL reinstate the Constitution.

He WILL pull our troops out of Iraq, which is what the majority of Americans want… The Dems have failed to do this, and the GOP lives in an alternate reality.

This man NEEDS to be President. All others will only bring more of the same. Don’t throw your vote away!

Vote for Ron Paul 2008.


Filed under Neocons, Ron Paul

2 responses to “Both GOP and Dems Want Desperately to Stop Ron Paul

  1. Ron Holland

    Read How Ron Paul Became President

    A fictional case study about how a future terrorist attack against the US and the Bush administration response elects Ron Paul as President.

    Learn what could happen when the United States is hit by another terrorist attack by Islamic extremists that creates an extreme response by Washington in The Final Presidential Executive Order at

    This is from new online book, “The Swiss Preserve Solution” by Ron Holland & it results in the election of Ron Paul as President, not in 2008 but in 2012.

  2. You guys rock, this is a great site. Keep it up.

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