Category Archives: Ron Paul

The Ron Paul Momentum Just Keeps On Gaining! covered it. As did all the other MSM political blogs… Paul’s fundraising is surprising everyone, with more cash on hand than John McCain…

 The Ron Paul Revolution is only beginning…


Filed under Ron Paul

The Continuing Neocon Domination of Washington

The End of Dissent?
A recent congressional resolution on Iran underscores the War Party’s lock on the foreign policy ‘debate’ 
by Justin Raimondo

Congress recently passed a resolution calling on the UN to bring charges of “genocide” against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Now, I hold no brief for the Iranian ranter – whose jeremiads against the West are in the category of Borat-like humor – but this seems like yet another example of political pandering and congressional grandstanding that bears little, if any, relationship to reality.

To begin with, the resolution is motivated by a mistranslation of a speech given by Senor Ahmadinejad, in which he cited the Ayatollah Khomeini and seemed to call for Israel to be “wiped off the map.” Yet, as this piece by Jonathan Steele, and this comment by Farsi-speaker and Middle East expert Prof. Juan Cole make very clear, that is not what the Iranian President said, or intended to say. Ahmadinejad didn’t say Israel must be “wiped off the map,” he said the current regime in Tel Aviv will be “wiped off the page of time.” It was a call for “regime change” not genocide – but, never mind.

Like most war propaganda, which is almost never related to reality except in the most tenuous sense, the point is not to tell the truth but to characterize the Enemy in a particular way. With Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in Washington to ramp up the Lobby’s ferocious campaign to get the US to attack Iran – or at least credibly threaten to – the pro-Israel forces on Capitol Hill were out in full force, herding their congressional supporters into a massive display of obedience with a whopping 411-2 vote in the House.

The complete hypocrisy of our “antiwar” Democratic congresscritters, who warble that we need to “end the war” in Iraq, even as they whoop it up for war with Iran, is so brazen that it doesn’t require much comment.
Read on:

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Filed under Iran, Neocons, Ron Paul

The Drug War… Just Another Reason to Vote for Ron Paul

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Filed under Drug War, Neocons, Ron Paul

Both GOP and Dems Want Desperately to Stop Ron Paul

Ron Paul makes the rest of the presidential field look bad. All they have on him is empty name recognition… An educated voter WILL vote for Paul unless he is completely brainwashed by his respective party or has an IQ in the single digits (which is basically the same thing).

Paul’s campaign is almost completely grassroots, outside of the debates and few cable TV spots, it’s all viral which spreads more rapidly on the internet. But as we’ve seen from some GOP straw-polls it’s slowly penetrating off-line too. That momentum will only increase. He had zero name-recognition a few months ago, and still has very little compared to Rudy McRompson.

Other than the total loons who want to fight the Crusades again, Paul is appealing to Christian voters. And he damn well should be because of the candidates in the field, Paul has shown unparalleled integrity in public and private life during his 10 terms in Congress and his medical practice.

Paul speaks embarrassing truths and throws a monkey-wrench into the script… just as he did in the GOP debates… But he does this across the board. When he’s given the chance to speak he blows away political lies.

Dr. Paul cannot be bought, not by partisan shills, corrupt and lazy bureaucrats, special interests or corporate welfare recipients…

They will insult him and call him a racist, a loon, a moonbat, a 9-11 truther, a kook, an isolationist, a crank, and whatever other nonsense they can think up. But a few moments of hearing him speak, a quick read of his writings immediately prove these smears for what they are…

Don’t be fooled.

If he gets onto the mainstream media stage of America he WILL embarrass both the GOP and Dems. And if he is voted into office he WILL cut-off the corrupt SOBs who fund the mainstream of both of the parties.

He WILL reinstate the Constitution.

He WILL pull our troops out of Iraq, which is what the majority of Americans want… The Dems have failed to do this, and the GOP lives in an alternate reality.

This man NEEDS to be President. All others will only bring more of the same. Don’t throw your vote away!

Vote for Ron Paul 2008.


Filed under Neocons, Ron Paul

The Hypocrisy of Hannity

After the second Republican presidential debates where Ron Paul said his piece that our messing around in the Middle East may have repercussions… Pundit Sean Hannity ran rough shod over the sage Dr. Paul with a bunch of pseudo-patriotic rhetoric. Here’s the proof that Hannity is indeed a ridiculous hypocrite with zero credibility:

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Filed under Neocons, Ron Paul

Neocon Wingnuts Exclude Ron Paul from “Christian” Forum for His Anti-War Stance

Neocon Iowans for Tax Relief and Iowa Christian (Bloodlust) Alliance will host a presidential candidates forum on Saturday, June 30th in Des Moines. Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Sam Brownback, Jim Gilmore, Mike Huckabee, Tommy Thompson, and Tom Tancredo will participate.

Ron Paul, however, will not participate. Why? Because he wasn’t invited.

Read on:

These Iowan “Christians” are truly jihad-obsessed:


Filed under Neocons, Ron Paul

Foreign Policy Socialists of the GOP

As Ron Paul says the Republican party truly has lost it’s way… So called conservatives tend to agree that socialism doesn’t work, though the mainstream GOP has been turning more socialist everyday and this is especially true with regard to foreign policy.

Let’s look at the basis for the anti-socialism argument as a starting point. Part of it is that it discourages hard-work and progress,  because you aren’t rewarded for working harder or smarter… why should you work harder when some other lazy jerk will get the same standard of living as you? And if you really get ahead, they’ll come along and take everything anyway.

The other reason that socialism doesn’t work is because of corruption and human error… Inevitably, the ones in charge of redistributing the wealth tend to give themselves and their friends the greater share. And when you’re trying to control every facet of life and business things have a way of going wrong. The ministry of agriculture wants corn planted here, not there… more soy beans, less lettuce… The ministry of industry wants more bicycles and less motorcycles, more hard wooden chairs and less couches etc…

The problem is that humans have this funny issue of being fallible… they make mistakes… That’s why it’s better to let the market decide how many bicycles or motorcycles should be made, the actual demand for these products, rather than arbitrary numbers. When a human tries to make this sort of decision it inevitably goes awry… and things have a domino effect which brings about disaster.

Now, Republicans generally believe these things, in theory at least, with regard to markets and economics. However, with foreign policy they become entirely emotional and delirious… For some reason they think that they can forsee the future with regard to foreign policy, they think that they pull lever A and get result B. Isn’t this exactly the sort of thinking that they’re against in regard to the duties of the state? And foreign policy is infinitely more complicated than national economics… cultural, economic, geographical, historical, religious… complications that dramatically increase the chances of error and miscalculation.

The use of military force further complicates and heightens the stakes. The more force you use the greater the consequences of the outcome.

Now, this sounds right. Right? How does it play-out in the real world… Let’s look at the history of our more forceful foreign policy efforts…

Support for the Contras in Nicaragua- Touched off a horrific civil war (40,000 dead) that this country has yet to recover from.

Support for Saddam Hussein against Iran- Saddam terrorized his own people for 20 years and was a general menace in the region.

Installation of the Shah in Iran– Set the country back 40 years and ushered in an era of anti-Western extremism that we’re dealing with today.

Vietnam War- 50,000 American soldiers dead. 100,000s wounded and lives broken. A disaster to our country and armed services. No real positive changes created in the region as a result.

The Iraq War-A complete disaster, which has discredited the US and made us look weak as well as further destablizing the Middle East and hardening Arab (and the rest of the world) opinion against us.

These are just a few of the more blatant examples, but we could go on for pages. All of this is well documented by the CIA, other government organizations, and historians. And the implications of all our overseas meddling are vast and complex… but undeniable.

The fundamental principle here is the same with regard to conservative economic and capitalistic prinicples… the state makes mistakes… efforts to control things, no matter how well intentioned overwhelmingly turn out badly.

The GOP’s foreign policy should be the same as it’s economic policy, to only regulate when you absolutely have to. Otherwise you have foreign policy socialism.

Afterall, neoconservatism originated from the extreme left wing…

When will they learn? How many enemies will we have to make? How many Vietnam and Iraq Wars will we have to fight?

Congressman Ron Paul is the ONLY presidential candidate who understands how non-interventionism works both in domestic economics AND foreign policy.

Neoconservative foreign policy socialists have been steering our country in the wrong direction for too long.

Let’s bring sanity to the White House. Ron Paul 2008!

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Filed under Neocons, Ron Paul

“I Hate Ron Paul… He Should Be in Jail.”

Ron Paul Should Be in Jail…

RudyMcRompson 2008!!!



Filed under Ron Paul

Rudy and Romney Want to Microchip Your Gardner, Then You!

That’s the implication of what Giuliani and Romney said in the GOP debates…

“They should have a tamper-proof I.D. card. It should be in a database that allows you to figure out who they are, why they’re here, make sure they’re not illegal immigrants coming here for a bad purpose, and then to be able to throw out the ones who are not in that database,” Giuliani stated.

Mitt Romney parroted Giuliani’s remarks.

If Real ID is introduced for immigrants it won’t be long till it spreads to regular citizens, how else could they tell who’s illegal and who’s not without it being universal…?

This doesn’t sit well with the good doctor… Ron Paul denounces Real ID:

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Filed under Neocons, Police State, Ron Paul

Paul Second in NTU Straw Poll

The National Taxpayer’s Union nearly gets it right:

Dunno where they got the idea that Hollywood Fred is strong on taxes… Don’t they know that’ll be Bush II with a Hollywood touch? 

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Filed under Ron Paul

Yes on Dr. No!

A candid interview with the good doctor…

“If you give up your freedoms, you’re less safe.” — Congressman Ron Paul

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Starstruck Morons and the Continuation of the Ron Paul Media Blackout

Today four Republican 2008 presidential candidates addressed the second day of the annual National Right to Life Convention (NRLC) in Kansas City, Missouri.

There were only four. Julie-Annie, of course, was not there because he thinks “pro-choice” is more popular than pro-life, but whatever…

Out of the four candidates one of them is a doctor. And not just any kind of doctor, but an OB-GYN, the kind that delivers babies… And this particular candidate doctor has deliver more than 4,000 babies over the last 30 years…

Of course, they reported on what he had to say right? Right?

No! Not a f#$*ing word…

Instead they reported on what Mitt (Double Guantanamo) Romney and a video (the asshole wasn’t even there) of Fred Thompson.

I have yet to see a source report on what Dr. Paul said at this event.


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Filed under Bad Media, Ron Paul

Two Neoclown Hit Jobs on Ron Paul and Why They’re Dead Wrong

Two neocon mouthpieces have vented frustration at the success of the Ron Paul campaign, success that takes away from the support for the RudyMcRompson puppet candidates. To counter this, these loons are smearing Dr. Paul, the only decent man in politics, a real patriot and defender of the Constitution, with a decade long voting record and 30 years in and out of Congress…

WorldNutDaily says that Paul doesn’t understand the threat of global jihad, blah, blah, blah… The same neocon jihad-obssessed rant we’ve heard over and over for the last five years while they spend our money like drunken sailors and turn our country into a police state. Nevermind the fact that there have been no credible jihad threats of attack against the US  since 9/11…

Speaking of reasons (NOT justification!) that we were attacked on 9/11, the author says that, “Paul calls this blowback” and there-by demonstrates his ignorance… “Blowback” is a recognized CIA term to describe exactly the phenomenon which the good doctor was explaining.

While the right-wingnuts are desperate to paint Paul as weak on defense. Ronald Reagan (who Paul supported in 70s while he was otherwise unpopular) had this to say about him:

“Ron Paul is one of the outstanding leaders fighting for a stronger national defense. As a former Air Force officer he knows well the needs of our armed forces, and always puts them first. We need to keep him fighting for our country.” -Ronald Reagan

Another neocon over at Clown Hall takes a different approach and smears Paul as a wacko and says he’s not a conservative…

If supporting the Constitution is ‘wacko’ then so be it… this neoclown Hawkins probably thinks so… Again, Paul’s voting record speaks for itself:

He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.
Congressman Paul introduces numerous pieces of substantive legislation each year, probably more than any single member of Congress. 

Not a conservative? Nuff, said.

The author desperately tries to link Paul to fringe goups and calls him a racist… with a few minutes of research it’s obvious that these charges just don’t stick. Paul has spoken out against racism on many occassions, the charge is a baseless smear. And Paul, who gets attention from fringe groups for his constitutional and libertarian ideas is not directly affiliated with any of them. The man is as wholesome as it gets.

The article in typical neocon fashion puts the ‘cut-and-run’ distortion on Paul’s sage idea to get out of the civil war in Iraq and stop the bloodletting of our soldiers…

Look at the comments on the article if you need further refutation.

Nothing more needs to be said about this trash… we’ll let the wind carry it away…

Meanwhile Paul’s support steadily increases everyday. Liberty starved Americans are hungry for his message.


Filed under Neocons, Ron Paul

If You Don’t Watch Another Ron Paul Video, Watch This One — Tells You All You Need to Know

This is a man with real integrity. How many politicians can you say that about?

They deceptively try to dismiss him as a nut, a wacko. Don’t fall for it.

This man has more sense in his little finger than the rest of the GOP combined. He’s a champion of the Constitution and a patriot.


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Support Ron Paul in 2008!!!!

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Dr. Paul is the Cure

The US Government is infested with cancerous growths, bloated bureaucratic leviathans, cronnie capitalists sucking the government teet, and ill-gotten powers that infringe on personal liberties. Only Dr. Ron Paul has the courage and expertise to remove these parasites…

The Department of Homeland Security with 185,000 employees and $44.6 billion dollar yearly budget, that does very little to actually secure the homeland.

The IRS and the Income Tax, which complicate, harass, and extort from US citizens and businesses.

The Federal Reserve that steals your wealth by printing more and more money, making the dollars you have worth less everyday.

The Defense Contractors that extract billions from the American taxpayers each year for unnecessary gizmos and war machines.

The Patriot Act, that expands Executive power to dangerous and unwarranted levels.

The Drug War that costs billions and incarcerates hundreds of thousands of non-violent offenders that could be dealt with in much more effective and efficient ways.

Pork, pork, and more pork. Ron Paul is nicknamed ‘Dr. No’ because as a Congressman he never votes for any spending that’s not stipulated in the Constitution.

The list goes on and on.

No other presidential candidate has the guts to rein in these out-of-control government excesses. Most of these entities have been created within the last 50 years and are contrary to the intent and design of the founding fathers.

Only Ron Paul will secure our borders, downsize government, and increase liberty and economic prosperity for all Americans.

Go Ron Paul!!


Filed under Politics, Ron Paul